Do you remember a time when someone listened to you, really listened? Do you remember how good it felt to be heard? Perhaps you began to understand yourself better, and you clarified what you were thinking and feeling, simply because someone was listening. 

Someone to Listen to YOU!

Do you remember a time when someone listened to you, really listened? Do you remember how good it felt to be heard? Perhaps you began to understand yourself better, and you clarified what you were thinking and feeling, simply because someone was listening. 

Sometimes you need someone to be there for you. Not to fix the problem or offer advice or do anything in particular, but simply to be there. To show up. To be present with whatever you are feeling. To see what you’re going through. To see you, understand you. 

Perhaps you also remember a time when you wanted to express yourself and be heard, but the other person didn’t hear you. Instead, perhaps they criticized, or told you about their own experience, or offered well-meaning advice. 

At times life can seem complicated, exhausting, and/or unclear. There are parts of us all that want to be heard, without judgment, without criticism, without advice.  

ERT provides non-judgmental listening that feels good and brings greater clarity. We provide a welcoming space, one-on-one (either in person or via phone or Zoom) and hold a safe space for you to talk whilst we listen to hear the essence of what you are saying 

Do you need someone to listen to you? We can help!  

Have a look at what we can offer you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly to work out how we can help. 


Someone to listen

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