Our work with business clients in the coaching space has encouraged us to build custom designed business programs that are available for individuals of organizations to attend on set dates throughout the year. These programs can also be run specifically for a company either in our training studio at Norwest or onsite at your business.

We also tailor programs to suit your needs. We have provided some examples of topics that may interest your business. Our doors are always open for discussion on how to best meet your company wellness/mental health needs.

What to expect from
one-on-one mindset coaching

  • We get to know each other
  • A safe place to open up
  • Find a path to clarity
  • Tools for every day application

Conscious Leadership

Learn to engage with your team and gain access to tools & support necessary to manage your team, empowering them to look after your customers.

Stress Management

Work with the team leader to assess team stressors and develop a tailored program to address what stress is, what it looks like in your scenario, gain an understanding of triggers, and learn ways to reduce and manage stress in your workplace.

Behavioral Profiling

Understand your team, get to understand what makes them tick so that you can harness their strengths and increase team coherence with more effective communication.

Culture Building

Motivate your team to want to come to work, to feel valued and part of something greater than themselves.

Team Communication

Ways to build a more cohesive team, providing tools to open a closed team, to manage expectations, and to shift perspectives in order to facilitate more effective inter-team dialogue.

Mindset Coaching

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of thinking – Shift your mind, Shift your world! Individual coaching provided in this space for both leaders and team members.